A beautiful mess.

by the Artist

Last night the Carpenter walked into the room... he said... "how bad do I look?" I looked at him. He was covered in white globs. I am used to him "wearing" whatever he is working with- paint, sheetrock mud, saw dust, glue. Even if he is actually NOT hands on... he manages to connect with whatever substance is his general vicinity. My laundry effort is sometimes monumental. 

Then I asked... "okay.. now what happened?" He said.. "well I was exploring a new technique to touch up ceiling texture with the goal being to not have to re-texture an entire ceiling." This involved a plastic water bottle and an air compressor. 

He turned the compressor on and sheetrock mud shot out of the bottle and landed on the Carpenter and the ceiling and the front of the shop cabinets and many, many other places. I guess it was quite spectacular. And quite funny. Sorry I missed it. After a quick visit to the shop I've mandated a thorough clean-up.