by the Artist
Sweet nibble 1
North.. isn't that where little polar bears live?
Yesterday the Carpenter picked me up and we headed to our first "interview" for the Snack Manager open position. Well it wasn't exactly an interview to pick a candidate, but to meet the nice people from where our next snack manager might herald from.
We traveled north of the Twin Cities to a town called Bruno. Bruno? Bruno Mars? I had never heard of Bruno. Along the way we passed a town called Askov. I recognized that because of the store that is in Minneapolis - Askovfinlayson. As we traveled I saw a group of white horses in a wooded area. White horses! We finally arrived to "Welcome Home Labs" where homes are identified by "fire numbers"! Not house numbers! We were in the country!
Our arrival was observed by three "light yellow" (the type our Gracie was) labs calmly peeking through their fencing. They just watched. No one uttered a bark. We had a great visit with the breeders. They were very informative and friendly. The Carpenter found out the husband had also been a contractor. We appreciated how much care they put into their labs. I'm sure they were "interviewing us" to see if we would be good owners for one of their precious pups.
We were just on a "meet and greet" mission. We held some adorable "cute nibbles" as my sister called them... and met some adult labs. It was fun. We left without a pup. As planned. As the rain pounded down. The afternoon was a nice diversion from our usual Applewood routine. We got to relax, hold some pups and just get away. We stopped at a popular local area restaurant Tobies (where I had a not so good meal- my typical restaurant luck but I did buy a couple of their famous sticky buns!) then headed on our way. As we sat there I said to the Carpenter.. "it's so weird to be out sitting across a table from you.. not working". He agreed. We need to remedy that!
We hope to have the position filled in the fall.
Stay tuned!
Sweet nibble 2