I remember my Grandmother's TV/stereo cabinet from the 1960s. It was long and looked like a side buffet. It had a built-in stereo that you accessed from the top and featured multiple doors across the front which were mostly fake. The only ones that opened were where the TV resided which was also built-in.
She had the most beautiful elegant drapes that she hung from wall to wall (the width of the living room) and ceiling to floor- that hung behind the cabinet. (she also made her own tailored clothing, my first pair of bell bottoms- floral corduroy, all my Barbie clothes, my wedding dress and all the drapes for my first home). That TV/stereo cabinet paired with the drapes was the focal point of the room. She was truly a trend setter!
Remember the 80's "entertainment centers" that came into vogue.. where VCR's, stereos and the TV all hung out together in one cabinet sometimes made of lovely fake wood? You can still spot one of these treasures sitting at the end of a driveway with a free sign.
We built two custom homes in the early 2000's that featured the emerging trend of full wall entertainment centers featuring book cases, fireplace, and TV/Stereo cabinet spaces. At that time the trend was still.. hide the TV/stereo behind cabinet doors. It was a beautiful seamless solution to incorporating entertainment systems gracefully into more formal rooms.
Somewhere in the last ten years (I'm just estimating here) TVs came out of their cabinets. They became thin and sexy- no longer resembling their former boxy selves. And to accommodate these new beauties.. a whole new styled cabinet came into favor.. sleek and low.
And somewhere along the way some TVs- or should I say.. flat screens? left their cabinet homes once and for all, and started hanging out on walls. What a change! This all leads to the link I'm going to give you. I find these ideas worthy of passing on to you. Ways to incorporate your flat screen TV onto a wall with grace. You can paint a section of wall, add a textured stone wall the color of the TV, mount in a collage gallery grouping etc. Just check it out here if this interests you. http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/72580906?utm_source=Houzz&utm_campaign=u3710&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gallery1
Where possibly can the TV go next? I'm guessing there will be no TVs as we know them. Stay tuned for that!
My Grandmother's cabinet looked similar to this cabinet.. but it had wire mesh over the doors. Actually I think it is still sitting in my Dad's garage!